Saturday, August 11, 2012

My little stinker Alex

So you know how every once in a while you're walking through walmart and hear "code adam we have a code adam we have a lost child wearing blah blah blah" and you have a sigh of relief because it's not your child. Unfortunately today it was my child. That darn Alex didn't follow me again and after climbing out of the cart and declaring to me "look mom I can climb out of the car by myself" didn't keep up when I left that part of the store because I got tired of telling Melynn I wasn't going to buy the blue hello kitty dress (because I already did buy it for her birthday she just doesn't know it yet). The next thing I know Alex is gone and I'm searching for him and an employee asks me what he's wearing and suddenly my mind is blank and I don't have a flippin clue and tell them " I don't know my daughter dressed in him. uh, he's blonde in goes by the name alex". after looking for about 10 minutes I'm here over the PA system " we have a lost little boy by the name Alex and his mom's name is mommy". I couldn't help but laugh and say "that's me, I'm mommy". I believe he and Melynn were both more scared than i was. Melynn was wandering around the store saying, "Alex sweetheart where were you?" It was so cute but I hope it never happens again.

Emma Laughs

I was tickling Emma a couple days ago and I started under her neck by her ear and she just started giggling. It is so fun to see these milestones.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sleep Disorders

For those of you who don't know Peter has a sleep disorder where he talks in his sleep, but he also acts out his dreams. Peter got this from his dad who in turn got it from his dad. Well unfortunately I cannot say that it skipped a generation, Alex.  Twice in a week we have caught him talking in his sleep.  The other night abut a week ago we heard Alex yelling. we went in to see what was wrong only to find that he was still asleep. When he woke up he looked at us quizzically as if to say "whats going on, why are you both standing over me while I'm sleeping".  He has not acted out any of his dreams but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.


the other nigt we hear Melynn call from her room, "Mom, I don't have to go to bed yet, because I looked out my window and it's still pretty dayish".   My response was "Uh, no...nice try, but no!".

Friday, May 18, 2012

funny things the kids say

Melly: "mom now i can invite anyone to my birthday party because i've proven i can vacuum."

Alex:  "mom i'm thirteen can i drive/get on the roof?"
Mom: "No, you have to be sixteen to drive/get on the roof."
Alex:  " i'm sixteen"

Translating Children Slang

Mardo Mateys- marshmallow mateys
Maganecks- Magnets

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Spiritual Thought on Prayer

 Hi Family,

During church today I was feeling extremely uncomfortable with continued back pain that seems to get worse when you are stuck sitting on hard chairs for part of the three hour block. It seemed to be unusually bad this week and I was contemplating going home to my very hot heating pad and just reading the RS lesson on my own. I decided I would try to make it as long as I could until I could no longer bear the pain. I believe that the Lord helped me because the pain seemed to ease up considerably. I left RS feeling spiritually uplifted and prompted to share my thoughts with all of you and Peter. Anyway our lesson was from  Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith: Chapter 9: Open Your Soul to the Lord in Prayer. I am not going to share the whole lesson with you but encourage you to all read it on your own.

This story was especially touching to me:

"It is a wonderful blessing that we enjoy in these times of stress and uncertainty to feel sure of divine guidance, to have absolute faith in a personal God who is interested in us and who hears and answers our prayers.4

A number of years ago … I heard of [a] nine-year-old boy, an orphan, who was hurried off to the hospital, where examination indicated that he had to be operated upon without delay. He had been living with friends who had given him a home. His father and mother, (when they were alive) had taught him to pray; thus, when he came to the hospital, the thing he wanted was to have the Lord help him.
The doctors had decided to hold a consultation. When he was wheeled into the operating room, he looked around and saw the nurses and the doctors who had consulted on his case. He knew that it was serious, and he said to one of them, as they were preparing to give him the anesthetic: “Doctor, before you begin to operate, won’t you please pray for me?”
The doctor, with seeming embarrassment, offered his excuses and said, “I can’t pray for you.” Then the boy asked the other doctors, with the same result.
Finally, something very remarkable happened; this little fellow said, “If you can’t pray for me, will you please wait while I pray for myself?”
They removed the sheet, and he knelt on the operating table, bowed his head and said, “Heavenly Father, I am only an orphan boy. I am awful sick. Won’t you please make me well? Bless these men who are going to operate that they will do it right. If you will make me well, I will try to grow up to be a good man. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for making me well.”
When he got through praying, he lay down. The doctors’ and the nurses’ eyes were filled with tears. Then he said, “I am ready.”
The operation was performed. The little fellow was taken back to his room, and in a few days they took him from the hospital, well on the way to complete recovery.
Some days after that, a man who had heard of the incident went to the office of one of the surgeons and said, “Tell me about the operation you performed a few days ago—the operation on a little boy.”
The surgeon said, “I have operated on several little boys.”
The man added, “This little boy wanted someone to pray for him.”
The doctor said very seriously, “There was such a case, but I don’t know but that it is too sacred a thing for me to talk about.”
The man said, “Doctor, if you will tell me, I will treat it with respect; I would like to hear it.”
Then the doctor told the story about as I have retold it here, and added: “I have operated on hundreds of people, men and women who thought they had faith to be healed; but never until I stood over that little boy have I felt the presence of God as I felt it then. That boy opened the windows of heaven and talked to his Heavenly Father as one would talk to another face to face. I want to say to you that I am a better man for having had this experience of standing and hearing a little boy talk to his Father in heaven as if he were present.”5
 [See suggestion 2
 on page 100.]
Let us so live that every night when we kneel to pray and every morning when we bow before the Lord in thanksgiving, there will be in us the power to open the heavens so that God will hear and answer our prayers that we will know that we are approved of Him."

He also said:

"The Lord...has explained to us how we may receive blessings through prayer.  There are many people in the world who do not realize the real benefits of prayer.  Prayer is a power.  It has an influence that comparatively few people seem to understand.  How many are there in this Church who do not know that they have the right, the absolute right, to pray to there Father in heaven, and ask Him to take from their distress and lead them to contentment and happiness?"

I just want you all to know that I believe that even though Heavenly Father may seem far away at times he is actually close. He will always listen and touch those who are in need of it.  I love you all and hope that you have all been spiritually uplifted in someway this week.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Drunk Frat Cat?

On a whim I put a business card on Shark's head.  When he didn't immediately flick it off I figured I'd have to see how far I could push things.  I followed up with a big metal dangly earring on his back.  Nonplussed he just gazed at me as I added the matching earring.  From there I'll let the photos tell the story:

By this point the tower was careening wildly with every breath Shark took.  He sat there patiently until until it finally collapsed due to "harmonic breathing oscillations".

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tiger scratches

Wendi found an old photo of her niece at about six weeks old.  She showed it to the kids and asked them who it was.  They assumed that it was the youngest girl baby they knew and responded, "That's Gracie."  Wendi responded, "No that's Sophie."  To which Alex said, "Sophie got scratched on the head by a tiger."  Confused Wendi questioned, "Oh yeah?"  Melynn being a true Johansen continues on with the story, "Yeah that's what the thing is on her head."  In examining the photo the only thing we can figure is that she has a bow on her head, somehow the kids think it looks like tiger scratches.  Poor Sophie got mauled by a tiger in her first weeks of life and right before photo day.

Mellys First Boyfriend

This weekend Grandpa volunteered to take the kids on an adventure.  A friend of his was going out to the desert with his kids to look for topaz and trilobites.  Two of the boys going were the same ages as Melynn and Alex so Grandpa brought them along.  As usual Melynn thinks she is fifteen years older than the calendar says.  As a result of this at some point she proclaimed Andy to be her boyfriend.  She then proceeded to share her cookie with him, hold his hand and declare that she was going to marry him.  I don't know how the poor boy took it but she sure seemed to have a great day.